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The Divine Feminine Realm

It’s Happening!!

The  Journey

How I create the Journey is through my own internal process going to the “Realm” and then I create and pre record a gentle hypnosis script that guides you all through your own internal process to the “Realm” with getting comfortable breathing, to counting you down from 10 to 1 and then intense guided imagery that I actually used to get to the “Realm” myself first. 

The 3 Immersion process is so that you have time to learn how to allow your Conscious Mind to relax and allow your Sub Conscious Mind to awaken. It’s in the Sub Conscious that has all the blue prints of all existence and lifetimes and all dimensions and realms. We need to reawaken into the true power of our abilities through our subconscious to rise into these Realms to do the energetic work that’s needed for us to live a better and more aligned life here on earth. The Conscious Mind is the Creative part, and we use it by guiding it into the power of imagination. With the two working together through the journey script I created you will be able to journey. 

Ongoing energetic group sessions will be available to all who do the 3 Immersion sessions so that you can have access to this journey process ongoing. 

“Every Effort To Rise, Raises Another, I Am Here For You And I Thank You For Being Here For Me.”


The Divine Feminine Realm ~ a women only immersion, online
Now is the time!

Join me and I will show you how to journey to the Divine Feminine Realm in order to access your Divine Feminine abilities. You will learn how to visualize and hold this Divine realm in your inner mind. We will journey there in order to manifest your personal visions and desires for your life here on planet earth. Your womb is your SOURCE of energy, power and manifestation. Through this workshop you will connect this energy with your mind enabling you to journey
to …

Yes! To the Divine Feminine Realm!!

Through my personal trials and tribulations I have discovered that in order to have the maximum impact on this physical reality we must journey to higher spiritual realms and create the vision that we wish to manifest for ourselves. We can then through intention manifest those visions in this reality. I have the power to guide you, to take you there with me and to hold space for you while you activate this sacred birth right of womanhood.

You are a Goddess! Believe it.
We are in the world, but not of this world. You ARE of the Divine Feminine Realm.


I’ve found that accessing the Divine Feminine Realm gives me a greater sense of being grounded. I have more confidence in my own decision-making, a much higher self-esteem and I have a greater appreciation for all of those in my life whom I love. We as women are the nurturers, the care-givers. We often neglect ourselves in order to take care of our love ones. It’s important to take time out for ourselves and recharge and then we can return to our lives, more grounded, more able to be giving and less resentful in doing so.

In our immersion session I will guide you in opening your own portal to this realm. You will learn to vibrate at the frequency of the Divine Feminine Realm and then you will add your own soul self to the vibration and then bring this into your physical body through a guided breathing exercise. You will learn how to incorporate this into your life and apply it to every aspect of your being.

This workshop will be offered in three consecutive sessions. Each successive day will bring you a deeper and deeper and deeper immersion and greater and greater and greater power to implement this in your life, but it is not required that you take them all. Feel free to take one, two or all of them depending on the level of development that you desire.
Each Session is 1 hour and 15 minutes at $25 for each. If you choose all 3, it will be $60 paid in full.

You can pay through PayPal:
Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me
Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me
Once you pay you will receive the Zoom Link. There is a different link for each session!

Goddess Blessings



How I create the Journey is through my own internal process going to the “Realm” and then I create and pre record a gentle hypnosis script that guides you all through your own internal process to the “Realm” with getting comfortable breathing, to counting you down from 10 to 1 and then intense guided imagery that I actually used to get to the “Realm” myself first.

The 3 Immersion process is so that you have time to learn how to allow your Conscious Mind to relax and allow your Sub Conscious Mind to awaken. It’s in the Sub Conscious that has all the blue prints of all existence and lifetimes and all dimensions and realms. We need to reawaken into the true power of our abilities through our subconscious to rise into these Realms to do the energetic work that’s needed for us to live a better and more aligned life here on earth. The Conscious Mind is the Creative part, and we use it by guiding it into the power of imagination. With the two working together through the journey script I created you will be able to journey.

Ongoing energetic group sessions will be available to all who do the 3 Immersion sessions so that you can have access to this journey process ongoing.

“Every Effort To Rise, Raises Another, I Am Here For You And I Thank You For Being Here For Me.”


This Video by Bruce Lipton really expresses how I’ve been able to discover these “Realms” and why the Journey process is so powerful. I have been removing old negative programming and thoughts that no longer serve me for years and now I am in an amazing place energetically to consistently guide others to the Realms through the Journeys.


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