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I Am The Knowing

  “ I Am the knowing and unknowing balance of myself, I Am the Great Mystery, and therefore I Am here to assist in Creation.” ~ RGC Creating the balance needed for sex magic is about learning the vibration of your yin and yang energy tingling through your body. This magnetic field of balanced opposites creates the perfect holy body womb for you to penetrate your intention for creation. Wikipedia: In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (also yin-yang or yin…

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I Am ***

I am in charge of how I express my sexual goddess consciousness and teachings. I always speak my truth and allow no one, no one to manipulate me into acting outside of my truth and comfort. My erotic truth transforms all into enlightenment. And this brings wisdom abundance and healing for us all. And So It Is……

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Breaking the spirit of stress

Breaking the spirit of stress  Why I needed stress in my life  Stress kept me busy Stress kept me disciplined  Stress kept me in fear Stress kept me fighting  Stress kept me angry Stress kept me working harder  Stress kept me hopeful  Now I believe I can let go of the spirit of stress because I am whole healthy honest and holy.  I release stress and remove all dependency on acting only to prevent bad things from occurring in my…

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I Believe

I believe in the spiritualization of Sex. It’s very important for us to bring back the real power of all life.  We are creative spirits and Human beings have been born blessed and we have defiled and misused this ability out of selfish ego gratification that all life on this planet now suffers from. Unite Sex and Spirit in your own way. From this place we can all heal rise and live our Divine Birthright Of Prosperity on Earth.   …

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Uniting Sex & Spirit Saved My LIFE

Uniting Sex & Spirit Saved My Life It’s in my Nature to Desire Personal Love in Myself and with Others. And it’s in my Nature to discover the real love of God. We all have a natural question. What does this all mean? For me, I’ve discovered that the answers that provide growth connection and joy are the ones I live by! Sex and Spirit are the foundation of all human life to evolve! Separate they bring temporary stability. Merged…

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Open Up Your Legs, Ass and Heart

Open up your legs, ass and heart and find the true power of yourself. Crack open every inch of your body and see for yourself the holy in you. Never be ashamed of your body shape, size, or color and how you choose to live in it. Your body is a holy temple and we access our personal power by aligning with our physical body and merging it with our spiritual life. In this way we have freedom, love and…

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I Am Me

I Am Me, because being Goddess is my life. It just is. This is not a destination. People are drawn to me because I spark something real inside of them that says Yes to this type of life. I expose the truth about sex love spirituality and help us all to live a life of freedom and learn the power of choice. I am living Goddess. The biggest mistake I’ve seen people make is to “try” something and not BE…

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The Divine Feminine Realm

It’s Happening!! The  Journey How I create the Journey is through my own internal process going to the “Realm” and then I create and pre record a gentle hypnosis script that guides you all through your own internal process to the “Realm” with getting comfortable breathing, to counting you down from 10 to 1 and then intense guided imagery that I actually used to get to the “Realm” myself first.  The 3 Immersion process is so that you have time…

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About Me

I Am Me, because being Goddess is my life. It just is. This is not a destination. People are drawn to me because I spark something real inside of them that says Yes to this type of life. I expose the truth about sex love spirituality and  help us all to live a life of freedom and learn the power of choice. I am living Goddess. The biggest mistake I’ve seen people make is to “try” something and not BE…

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