It is Reverend Goddess Charmaine's belief that life is a celebration!
Ceremonies are important in marking important moments in our lives and have existed since time immemorial. They should proceed with insight and wisdom, love and sharing; creating cherished memories that will nourish the soul long after the event has concluded. Ceremonies presided over by Reverend Goddess Charmaine are carefully constructed with the individual or groups emotional, spiritual, and artistic concerns in mind.
Wedding, Commitment, and Other Spirit-Bonding Ceremonies
According to Reverend Goddess Charmaine, in any ceremony that is a consecration of a relationship, "The most important ingredient is LOVE."
All ceremonies are unique, and created with the couple, keeping their spirit and soul in mind.
Spiritual ceremonies are open to all races, religions and sexualities.
An interfaith ceremony performed by Reverend Charmaine (an ordained interfaith minister) is especially appropriate for couples coming from different religious backgrounds desiring special rituals performed, and also for those who are not associated with a particular church or minister.
Ceremonies performed by Reverend Goddess Charmaine are ideal for the spiritually advanced who want an unconventional service.
Again, the most important ingredient is LOVE.
Baptisms and Other Birth Celebrations
The Rev. Goddess Charmaine considers every new life to be a miracle: sacred, precious, and something to be celebrated.
Rev. Charmaine offers services which are prepared according to the family's particular spirituality or faith.
Many of these ceremonies are performed using holy water or anointment oils.
Upon completion of the ceremony, a certificate is presented to commemorate the blessing of the newborn child.
Text from a certificate is presented here,
and reflects part of the spoken text and prayers from the ceremony;
all ceremonies can be customized to meet the family's needs.
(Your child's name here)
Prayer of Protection:
The Light of God surrounds you
The Love of The Goddess enfolds you
The Power of God protects you
The Presence of The Goddess watches over you
Wherever you are,
The God/Goddess is, and all is well.
Dear God,
Thank you for the birth of this beautiful child into the world and into this family. We offer ourselves this day as caretakers of his/her spirit and his/her higher mind. May we fulfill with strength the glory of our role, in his/her life and the lives of his/her parents. May the spirit of this family, from generations past and into the future, burst forth to bless and sustain this child.
Blessings and Cleansings
Reverend Goddess Charmaine is available to preside over a variety of blessings and cleansings to purify places of life and work, such as the blessing of a new work-space, or the cleansing and blessing of a new home.
the occupants of a home cleansed and blessed
in a ceremony performed by Rev. Goddess Charmaine:
We pray, O Lord, for Your blessing on this home. We ask You to invoke Your mighty power so that those entering this dwelling place may leave behind them all thoughts and feelings of unworthiness, and that Your children living here may forever serve You in peace, living a life filled with holiness.
Head(s) of household__________________________________

in workplace interaction:
Dear God,
Send Your angels to every person at my workplace, and to every person coming to my workplace today and forever.
If I am tempted to judge or criticize anyone, please heal me of my limited vision.
May I see only the truth.
May I work from integrity and excellence and the full force of your power within me and use it to benefit this world.
May my presence at work be a blessing to others and myself.
Thank you, Lord, for showing me the way, now and forever.
Thank you.