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The Divine Feminine Realm ~ The Journey For Men

The Divine Feminine Realm ~ The Journey For Men   Immersion Sessions for men  3 Sessions online on Zoom This is an opportunity for wholeness, female expression, energetic development and to help heal others, the planet and mostly yourself.  We are together for an hour and 15 minutes each. I share knowledge about the anima with you. Then I guide you through a hypnosis visualization to meet your anima and then I guide you to journey to the divine feminine…

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The Divine Feminine Realm, Energetic development and support group

    The Divine Feminine Realm, Energetic development and support group Monthly Ongoing gathering of Divine Feminine Women ~ 1 hour FREE  For those women that have gone through All 3 Immersion sessions You are a Goddess! Believe it.  We are in the world, but not of this world.  You ARE of the Divine Feminine Realm.  “….women have this magical substance in their being that has to do with the real mystery of creation in which light takes on form…

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The Divine Feminine Realm One on One Immersion online Sessions, women only

This is perfect for you, if you cannot join the planned groups sessions. Now is the time!  Join me and I will show you how to journey to the Divine Feminine Realm in order to access your Divine Feminine abilities. You will learn how to visualize and hold this Divine realm in your inner mind. We will journey there in order to manifest your personal visions and desires for your life here on planet earth. Your womb is your SOURCE…

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The Divine Feminine Realm

It’s Happening!! The  Journey How I create the Journey is through my own internal process going to the “Realm” and then I create and pre record a gentle hypnosis script that guides you all through your own internal process to the “Realm” with getting comfortable breathing, to counting you down from 10 to 1 and then intense guided imagery that I actually used to get to the “Realm” myself first.  The 3 Immersion process is so that you have time…

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