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Invocation of the Erotic Spirit

Upon this full moon I use my connection to the light of the moon and draw her up into my loins. As I breathe in through my nostrils I am filled with arousal and this pulsates into my sex center. I squeeze and release as this spirit is awakened within my body spirit and I will rejoice in the dance that will take place as my holy body gyrates in the basking of the moons vibrating waves of color passing…

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Shakti’s Naked Church in Woodstock, NY!

Holy Body Worship is an Interfaith spiritual service that celebrates the intimacy and uniqueness of the body and soul relationship through honoring and acknowledging the body as a temple and recognizing it as the vessel our soul chose for incarnation. The option of being naked or ‘skyclad’ during Service is used to further the expression of reverence and celebration of our body soul relationship to Source. Our bodies are miracles, beauty, complex ecosystems, walking art – each unique, holy and…

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The Lover Prayer

I was Inspired to write this prayer because I Am in the process of creating a Sex Ritual with some Lover Friends!!!   The Lovers Prayer By the power of my erotic desire, may I give pleasure freely. By the power of arousal and the wetness of my lips, may I breath in ecstasy. By the power of my wanting loins, may I drip into you, the abundance of Orgasmic bliss, and by our lovers union, may we rise and…

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Quotes by the Goddess ~ Rev. Goddess Charmaine

Everyday and in every way, I am living the Vision of my Erotic Spirit. I Thank my body, for being with me all these years. My body is my holy temple and I bless it. I Am Spiritually Whole and Sexually Perfect! My Body Know It and Shows It. Great Goddess, Please receive us and continue to bless us with our Divine Birthright of Prosperity on Earth and Healing for us All! And So It Is….. We thank the Spirit…

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I AM….because….

I Am Reverend Goddess Charmaine – The Sensuous Mystic ✨ And I Am also a Wife, Mother, Lover and Friend! I came to realize at a very young age that we were programmed to be followers and not just followers but to follow and believe in the idea that we were not enough and that we had to prove ourselves worthy to be happy! This still never allowed us to walk in prosperity! SMH ….. I saw so many people…

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The Sensuous Spirit

The Sensuous Spirit: The Sensuous Mystic is a consciousness I possess because of my belief that we are created by a power that is both feminine and masculine. I believe that we are created through our sexual energy and physical passions. I also acknowledge that although we have been led astray from our sexual rights and responsibilities, we still need sex in some form or fashion. The fact that we are created by each other implies that we thrive in…

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In The Spirit of Gratitude

In The Spirit of Gratitude Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others. ~ Cicero The Grace of Gratitude ~ To be able to receive the blessings of gratitude from others! Allow others to say thank you to you and allow yourself to receive this acknowledgment for what you have given to others and our world! This is the Grace of Gratitude! The Power of Gratitude ~ To be humble enough to know…

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Prayer to Raise Goddess Consciousness ~ 2017

Prayer to Raise Goddess Consciousness A Prayer to Raise Goddess Consciousness To all on the path of self-discovery, responsibility and enlightenment: May you at this time hold dear all that you are, and take this moment to bless your body, your work and your Life. May you continue to grow in your Divine Birthright of Prosperity, and receive the goodness in all areas of your Life. May all those you come in contact with realize and manifest the Power of…

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The Holy Body: My Personal Affirmation

The Holy Body: My Personal Affirmation I am beautiful and healthy. My body has a glow that shines, and my face is ageless. My smile brightens my face even more and my eyes sparkle and connect deeply to whatever and whomever I choose to see. Darkness and pain are released from others when they look into my eyes and experience peace and happiness. My breasts are firm and stimulate growth. My belly is sexy with the rhythms of life within…

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