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Interview With The Goddess ~ from The Esoteric Guide to New York by Scott Harney

Reverend Goddess Charmaine has made it her life mission to reconcile sex and spirituality through tantra. “I believe that our body is a holy temple and our sexual energy is our life force,” says Charmaine, who conducts workshops and one-on-one tantric healing sessions. Charmaine is also an initiated “goddess,” which she says has become her everyday consciousness. Charmaine has not always manifested the goddess consciousness, however. At one time, she was “overweight, very negative and in an abusive relationship.” She…

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My Womb Rant

My Womb Rant I’m standing my Womb is standing My yoni My Pussy My Yoni is up in the sky where a universe exist My skyward journey of my womb has past cries of rape and power lost When I scream and pull at my hair my Womb is crying My womb speaks of my African women in bondage Fight Womb fight Of generations of womb suffering by my ancestors Fight Womb Fight Of my Mothers Womb and her Mothers…

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The Act of Surrendering to God/Goddess ~ Rev. Goddess Charmaine “The Sensuous Mystic” I believe my spiritual understanding of anal sex awakened because the level of shame that was released when I allowed myself to be deeply penetrated and paralyzed with pleasure shed light on the power of the body! I began a deeper path of realization once my ass accepted that lovely wand of delight. The pressure, the breathing, the sweating and yes, oh yes, the prayer! Oh, God,…

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