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The Earthly Realm


The Earthly Realm

COED ~ Everyone can JOIN! Open to ALL

The  Journey

How I create the Journey is through my own internal process going to the “Realm” and then I create and pre record a gentle hypnosis script that guides you all through your own internal process to the “Realm” with getting comfortable breathing, to counting you down from 10 to 1 and then intense guided imagery that I actually used to get to the “Realm” myself first. 

The 3 Immersion process is so that you have time to learn how to allow your Conscious Mind to relax and allow your Sub Conscious Mind to awaken. It’s in the Sub Conscious that has all the blue prints of all existence and lifetimes and all dimensions and realms. We need to reawaken into the true power of our abilities through our subconscious to rise into these Realms to do the energetic work that’s needed for us to live a better and more aligned life here on earth. The Conscious Mind is the Creative part, and we use it by guiding it into the power of imagination. With the two working together through the journey script I created you will be able to journey. 

Ongoing energetic group sessions will be available to all who do the 3 Immersion sessions so that you can have access to this journey process ongoing. 

“Every Effort To Rise, Raises Another, I Am Here For You And I Thank You For Being Here For Me.”


We must come back into Right Energetic Relationship with the earth being. 

Our material reality and creations on earth were suppose to be about Prosperity, Love/Oneness and Evolution. 

I believe we have the ability to be led back into our rightness with the earth being. To be in alignment and to reawaken our unity/oneness consciousness of all life on earth. In this way, we become “born again” and blessed to receive the inheritance of the life force from the earth being aligned with the sun and moon. Each person that chooses this journey will become energetically attuned with the conscious and unconscious frequencies of every other being and life that exists on earth and the universe, then we can come into a place of energetic harmony and knowingness. This journey process into the earths core and birthed through her being, becomes the ultimate mother to us all. We can conceive perceive and interpret what serves and what does not without having to cause harm to another. Originally we were one with the earth and all life. Having dominion was a blessing because we were able to create and name the other life forms on earth. Humans, Animals, vegetative life etc. As we evolved from primal beings to civilized, a time came that in our collective consciousness, we chose to disconnect ourselves from the oneness with the universal life consciousness and became separatist and it became them against us, instead of we and us. 

How and Why WE need this Journey! 

“You are able to tap into any part of nature because it is inherently in you.

No matter how long you stay indoors, at a desk, or under fluorescent lighting, the truth remains: You are nature, and nothing can take that away from you.”

I feel now is the time to reawaken through this earthly realm journey so that all people can have another chance to live RIGHT in their lives. To have less struggle and feel the love they have for themselves and for others. To reawaken the personal ability to thrive with a vibratory knowingness this is all life and experience this connectedness fully. 

Excerpted in parts, from an article on Rebirthing. Author Unknown

Our memory is not only the home of our life story. It holds a key to the essence of who we are. The wholeness of our souls continually beckons us through disturbing feelings and events to awaken to the unmet potentials within us – as maturing individuals, as a rapidly changing culture and as an evolving human species. 

When we are willing to remember and release the unconscious feelings about what happened to us as we incarnated into this world, we become empowered to redesign the most fundamental emotional, spiritual, physical and relationship patterns that govern our lives. 

The primal imprint of birth contains all the intense experiences necessary to form the blueprint of the major challenges and gifts for each soul’s journey through this life time. This is the foundation of how we learn to love and be loved, created as we form our bodies within the womb and through the experiences of how we are received as we come out into the world. 

As we rebirth ourselves through the processes of conscious awakening, we remember and reconfigure these, our most fundamental beliefs and behaviors. 

As we reclaim our authentic, essential selves, we grow true to our soul’s callings, intrinsically reconnected to our natural, mature place within the tapestry of life on this planet. 

Releasing accumulated identities and unconscious unexpressed feelings, openings are created for the re-emergence of our expanded consciousness, one that is based in infinite, experiences and multi-dimensional imagination and reflects the wholeness of our essence. This is a part of metacognition, the active control over the processes of thinking and learning, developing the awareness of how we change. 

There is a wondrous creative power in imagination, the ability to feel, see and create new futures. In the heart of our expanded self, their lies infinite possibilities of experience and potential ways of being. 

There are no limits of just how awake we can become – perhaps it is possible to be fully awake even as we sleep or as the great yogis practice, to become enlightened in the midst of great suffering. It is a journey into being reborn into each moment, fully present, open to the majesty and wonder of existence, and for our love of all life and our precious planet. 

End excerpts.

Now is the time. Are You Ready?

The Earth Realm is where we dwell, live and create our physical existence and share life. 

The Earthly Realm houses all life in physical, spiritual and soul consciousness.

The Earths Core is the foundation of our connected Being-ness.

Reawaken and remember how to align and rise completely in our Earthly Realm through vibratory knowingness of all life on earth. Good Bad and Ugly we are all part of this Earth Realm.

Now we can go back and be reborn energetically and in consciousness, and come back to right relationship with the earth being, ourselves, and towards others, our world and the universe. 


We will be born through the core of the earth as great mother nurturing us through the elements earth air fire water, which activates our Spirit where free will and alignment evolves. 

The Earthly Realm Journey, 3 Immersion sessions will happen in a group process at $155 per person. Group Sessions announced in advanced. If you have your own group of 3 or more that want to do The Earthly Realm Journey together, please contact Rev. Goddess to Schedule with her.

Cost is $155 per person. Paid in full.

If for any reason you cannot join the group sessions and you want to do the earthly realm journey in a private one on one with me at your convenient time. Contact Rev. Goddess to Schedule your one on one Immersion Sessions.

The cost is $195. Paid in Full.

If you just want to try a single session, the cost is $65. I encourage doing all three, each session is $65. 

Once the first earthly realm series is completed, you will be invited into the free ongoing earthly realm energetic development group sessions. That means anyone, who has completed all 3 immersion sessions will be notified by email of the FREE group sessions that can support our continued energetic development. 

In these free ongoing group sessions you will learn how to intend before the journey session, so that if there is anything you need to evolve or move out of doing, that is a negative habit, you can bring this awareness there to be remedied. That’s what the early realm does, brings us back into right energetic relationship, so that our Conscious and Unconscious Selves are in alignment. 



Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me

Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me 

I look forward to Journeying with you all in The Earthly Realm.

The  Journey

How I create the Journey is through my own internal process going to the “Realm” and then I create and pre record a gentle hypnosis script that guides you all through your own internal process to the “Realm” with getting comfortable breathing, to counting you down from 10 to 1 and then intense guided imagery that I actually used to get to the “Realm” myself first. 

The 3 Immersion process is so that you have time to learn how to allow your Conscious Mind to relax and allow your Sub Conscious Mind to awaken. It’s in the Sub Conscious that has all the blue prints of all existence and lifetimes and all dimensions and realms. We need to reawaken into the true power of our abilities through our subconscious to rise into these Realms to do the energetic work that’s needed for us to live a better and more aligned life here on earth. The Conscious Mind is the Creative part, and we use it by guiding it into the power of imagination. With the two working together through the journey script I created you will be able to journey. 

Ongoing energetic group sessions will be available to all who do the 3 Immersion sessions so that you can have access to this journey process ongoing. 

“Every Effort To Rise, Raises Another, I Am Here For You And I Thank You For Being Here For Me.”



This Video by Bruce Lipton really expresses how I’ve been able to discover these “Realms” and why the Journey process is so powerful. I have been removing old negative programming and thoughts that no longer serve me for years and now I am in an amazing place energetically to consistently guide others to the Realms through the Journeys.


Goddess Blessings ~ RGC

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