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Global Feminine Collective

Global Feminine Collective, ongoing meditation magic gathering call for all women. For healing , vision work and empowerment on this planet.  FREE Zoom call for all women everywhere!      Next Global Feminine Collective Call is on Saturday November 23rd at 5pm EST and on Saturday December 7th at 12 noon EST, for a 40 minute zoom call with a 3 minute RAGE Session, and then a 10 minute group energetic meditation with the vision we want on this planet.…

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Alternative ~ Psychedelics DMT Religion Spirituality Fundamentalism

Alternative   Psychedelics DMT Religion Spirituality Fundamentalism I’ve always been a spiritual person. I believe that for me being spiritual is seeking connection with all life. As a young girl, I really didn’t know what that really meant beyond being in a family and doing what my parents told me to do. That included their religious beliefs. Growing up my Mom was a Jehovah’s Witness and my Father didn’t even believe in God.  However, as I grew up, I became…

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Hypnotic Sex Journey ~ Online

USE HYPNOSIS TO REVITALIZE YOUR SEX LIFE! Now is a good time to relax and enjoy the sensuous voice of Rev. Goddess as she guides you through your holy body temple to empower, activate and raise your sexual vibration to a higher level. Breaking negative programming and blocks around sexual functioning and addiction can be a big challenge for a lot of us. That’s why Rev. Goddess has created this beautiful fun and exciting Hypnotic Sex Journey for those of…

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The Divine Feminine Realm ~ The Journey For Men

The Divine Feminine Realm ~ The Journey For Men   Immersion Sessions for men  3 Sessions online on Zoom This is an opportunity for wholeness, female expression, energetic development and to help heal others, the planet and mostly yourself.  We are together for an hour and 15 minutes each. I share knowledge about the anima with you. Then I guide you through a hypnosis visualization to meet your anima and then I guide you to journey to the divine feminine…

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Breaking the spirit of stress

Breaking the spirit of stress  Why I needed stress in my life  Stress kept me busy Stress kept me disciplined  Stress kept me in fear Stress kept me fighting  Stress kept me angry Stress kept me working harder  Stress kept me hopeful  Now I believe I can let go of the spirit of stress because I am whole healthy honest and holy.  I release stress and remove all dependency on acting only to prevent bad things from occurring in my…

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I Believe

I believe in the spiritualization of Sex. It’s very important for us to bring back the real power of all life.  We are creative spirits and Human beings have been born blessed and we have defiled and misused this ability out of selfish ego gratification that all life on this planet now suffers from. Unite Sex and Spirit in your own way. From this place we can all heal rise and live our Divine Birthright Of Prosperity on Earth.   …

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Uniting Sex & Spirit Saved My LIFE

Uniting Sex & Spirit Saved My Life It’s in my Nature to Desire Personal Love in Myself and with Others. And it’s in my Nature to discover the real love of God. We all have a natural question. What does this all mean? For me, I’ve discovered that the answers that provide growth connection and joy are the ones I live by! Sex and Spirit are the foundation of all human life to evolve! Separate they bring temporary stability. Merged…

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PU**Y PRAYER CHALLENGE  You can watch the Pussy Prayer Challenge Video on my Video Website: This prayer has been circulating Social Media. It’s Powerful Beautiful and Healing. Let’s Do This!!  I did not write this particular pussy prayer. It’s been circulating on SM and I love it so much I did the prayer and I just challenge you all to do it too. Just once. Just pray the pussy prayer once and lay hands on yourself. Goddess Blessings PUSSY…

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Yoni Worship

Yoni Worship The gift of Yoni Worship is for the worshiper to be able to have an opportunity to honor the yoni, and in that honor, receive the Divine Feminine Consciousness and have that become part of their own frequency. This occurs each and every time you worship. To become a true Yoni Worshiper, it is best to do this for the first few times without incorporating intercourse.  Slide your lingam gently inside the yoni, inch by inch until you…

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