Sexual Enlightenment

The discovery of truth through YOU! Join the show tonight and become even more enlightend with Rev. Goddess Charmaine's interpretation of truth through you. We must really get into the knowledge of our sexual self, and release all past programming of control over sex, sexual sin and religous shaming around sex. We must step into Responsibility to be in our Spirituality and with your Sexuality and Power of your genital, Yoni and Lingam knowledge we can evolve and wipe away once and for all the thousands of years of sexual curse that plagues us all! This is not about religion, this is not about whose wrong. This is about enlightenment. Tonight we will remember our sexual power! Tonight we will forgive sexual abuse and misconduct with our bodies. Tonight we will elove into a new way to heal rise and create true honor and balance with the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine within us All! If you have a question through out the show, call in to ask. If you have any input please call in to share! We are all growing here! 646-929-2045!!  Goddess Blessings

The Sacred Prostitute! I Am Goddess *


I Am the first and the last.   I Am the honored one and the scorned one.   I Am the whore and the holy one.   I Am the wife and the virgin.   I Am she whose wedding is great.   I Am a universal lover of life.   I Am (the mother) and the daughter.   I Am the members of my mother…….   I Am the silence that is incomprehensible   And the idea whose remembrance is frequent.   I Am the voice whose sound is manifold.   And the word whose appearance is multiple.   I Am knowledge and ignorance.   I Am the utterance of my name. I Am GODDESS Join the show and learn more about this aspect of Goddess as the Sexual Healer! Is this You? Do you know someone like this? Feel free to call in and share your story if you have awakened to this knowledge of yourself! 646-929-2045! Goddess Blessings

Lustful Demon, Succubus, Whore! The Misunderstood Sexual Woman!


Women come together with Rev. Goddess Charmaine to discuss the damage done by the historical portrayal of women's sexuallity as dangerous. Such as the legend of the succubus! We'll explore this and others like, Lilith, the sacred whore, Mary Magdalene, and more. Join us!

Lustful Demon, Succubus, Whore! The Misunderstood Sexual Woman! Part 2!!

We Had Technical Difficulties at the start of the show! Please hang in there. We actually begin 4 minutes and 33 seconds into the show! Women come together with Rev. Goddess Charmaine to continue this discussion of the damage done by the historical portrayal of women's sexuallity as dangerous. Such as the legend of the succubus! We'll explore this and others like, Lilith, the sacred whore, Mary Magdalene, and more. This time we'll go deeper into this dark scary sexual power of woman! How she has evolved into the Supernatural Being that she is! Do you know her? Have you been with her? Is she you? And what can we do to help the world to no longer be afraid? Now is the time to Honor and Acknowledge the Divine Succubus in us all! Join us! THIS EPISODE IS PRE-RECORDED AND AIRED AT OUR REGULAR DAY AND TIME! Goddess Blessings

How to deal with the Succubus/Incubus attack! Male Sexual Healer or Cheater? Part 3!!!

Part 3!!! And Final Episode of our Succubus, Lustful Demon Series! Going to the NEXT Level! Women come together with Rev. Goddess Charmaine to continue this discussion of the damage done by the historical portrayal of women's sexuallity as dangerous. Such as the legend of the succubus! Also for those of us that believe that they have been attacked by a Succubus or Incubus (Male Sex Demon) what do we do to protect ourselves? And we'll step into learning more about the Incubus! Is the Male sex demon a demon? Or is he a Healer and Misunderstood like the woman? Do you know a man that loves to love women? Does he sweep you off your feet and then you feel lost without him? Maybe he doesn't know who he is either. We'll explore how the Succubus and Incubus have evolved into Supernatural Beings! Do you know her? Have you been with her? Is she you? And what can we do to help the world to no longer be afraid of the Incubus and Help understand and raise these abilites? Now is the time to Honor and Acknowledge the Divine Succubus/Incubus in us all! Join us! THIS EPISODE IS PRE-RECORDED AND AIRED AT […]

Holy Body Orgasmic Puja ~ You are the gift (Clothing Optional)

The Holy Body Temple 370 Coldbrook RD, Bearsville, NY

The Holy Body Temple | 370 Coldbrook Rd | Bearsville, NY 12409 Saturday, April 7, 2018 from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM (EDT)   DESCRIPTION Holy Body Orgasmic Puja ~ You are the Gift (Clothing Optional) Join together with other like minded Holy Body Souls and enjoy the Ceremony of witnessing the Sacred Within Us ALL, as we share through the Ritual of Puja! You will learn how to build, move and share orgasmic energy, through the practice of Tantra in a safe space created and guided by Rev. Goddess Charmaine and Goddess BE ~ Beth Nolan. Men, Women and Couples come to experience a divine sensual experience! This is a coed gathering in a Clothing Optional atmosphere! Puja is a word for Ceremony and Gift, with intention and focus. It's clothing optional so if you choose to have anything on we ask that you bring a sarong. I will have extra sarongs. Our focus for the Puja is The Holy Body, you are the gift. So each piece of the Puja is about relating to the other as God/Goddess and the Puja is conducted mostly in a moving circle so that each person gets to experience everyone in the […]


All You Had To Do Was Ask

All You Had To Do Was Ask The Art of: Prayer ~ Meditation ~ Merging & Sex Online Seminar All You Had To Do Was Ask In this seminar with Rev. Goddess Charmaine, you will learn the real power around Prayer, Meditation, Merging and Sex. You will learn how to apply these abilities and when it’s best to use them and how often. I have always had a strong belief in the mysteries of life. I had a strong need to rise in my physical body and to believe that “I Mattered!” I do trust the process. I encourage anyone taking this seminar to ask yourself, do you trust? Do you want to trust without fear? Do you have a belief that helps you to stay open to God Goddess, All that is? Joining this seminar will empower you to truly and clearly see how to step firmly into your Divine Birthright of Prosperity on Earth white Uniting Sex & Spirit! Prayer ~ a form of internal or outward spiritual call and dialog for help, understanding, support, or courage from god. Prayer is the oldest form of spiritual development. Many of us misuse prayer and are struggling with their faith […]


Erotic Tarot Readings

Join Rev. Goddess Charmaine and lets get erotic, get aroused, get answers and RISE! We've met new loves, lost old loves, raised up our current love life and we dealt with life's challenges and still we RISE! Join the show as Rev. Goddess brings out her Erotic Tarot Deck and will do one card and three card spreads for the listeners. Blind readings and Merge! And for those that call in, they will get a more personal specific reading. 646-929-2045! She will also do a group message from the amazing Pillow Deck ~ Tantric Oracle cards! Join Us! Goddess Blessings

Awakening The Goddess: Online Invocation


Awakening The Goddess - Online Invocation Series for Women Come back, meet or reawaken your goddess spirit! NOW is the time to reawaken our culture to the Goddess and align ourselves with Her to heal our relations, communities and our planet. Beginning with Ostara, Sekhmet, Oshun, Vila, Sheela Na Gig and Aphrodite! Join Teeni Dakini and Rev. Goddess Charmaine on the goddess journey to delve into ritual and invite a new goddess into your life every 1-2 weeks. Each session we will explore and activate our dialogue and relationship with a different goddess, to better embody her energy and invoke her magick into our lives. * join online circle of sisters to learn history and mystery of each goddess * allow sensations and power of each goddess to arise in you * engage techniques, rituals and abilities to enhance your life Sundays, 7pm-8:30pm EDT via Zoom Call April 22: Ostara April 29: Sekhmet May 6: Oshun May 20: Vila June 3: Sheela Na Gig June 10: Aphrodite $90 for the first ten women who register, $125 after ~ sign up now! Supplies list and Zoom Call info will be sent upon registration paypal to: or contact teeni to […]
