Mid January Holy Body Earth Oneness and Tarot Card Messages for All! Happy 2018!
Join the show and Intend to Be ONE with Rev. Goddess, The Earth Being and your Holy Body. I'll guide you through an alighnment visualization, so that you get that extra boost of connection within yourself and all Life. Its very important to feel your connection and have a tactile sense of your beingness with everything that you choose to do in your life. Then from here we'll jump into tarot card readings and messages for those that call in! 646-929-2045! I'll begin with a Tantra Pillow Deck Card for all of us and bring together our Sex and Spirit consciousness and then continue the rest of our time with eye opening and maybe even some ritual homework for you! Whatever your cards reveal tonight, Let's align and step into our holy body power and manifest for 2018! And remember, you can always get a full deep detailed tarot reading and merge with Rev. Goddess. Contact her for a private session at reverendgoddess@gmail.com. Goddess Blessings http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-sensuous-mystic/2018/01/18/mid-january-holy-body-earth-oneness-and-tarot-card-messages-for-all-happy-2018