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Divine Feminine Realm Energetic Development Group
March 27, 2021 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Divine Feminine Realm, Energetic development and support group
Monthly Ongoing gathering of Divine Feminine Women ~ 1 hour
For those women that have gone through All 3 Immersion sessions
You are a Goddess! Believe it.
We are in the world, but not of this world.
You ARE of the Divine Feminine Realm.
“….women have this magical substance in their being that has to do with the real mystery of creation in which light takes on form and takes on human consciousness and yet remains true to its essential nature.”
~ Excerpt from, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul. By Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee
“The Spark of life through my Energetically whole womb brings forth the Divine Feminine Connection to All. As I Rise in this frequency, I walk in the Realm. The Divine Feminine Realm. And So It Is…..” ~ Reverend Goddess Charmaine
This group gathering is your opportunity to connect with other divine feminine women in the realm and here on earth. To bring energetic support to all of our personal issues and creations for healing and manifestation. To continue to develop your energetic abilities, give & receive pleasure and transform.
Dates for our gatherings will be announced in advance. The dates will not be on a regular basis. Meaning (for example, the 1st Monday of each month). They will be scheduled monthly and on a different day and time based on moon cycles, equinoxes and solstices.
FREE for All Women that have completed the Immersion Sessions and are now active in the Divine Feminine Realm!
This is for the women that have already journeyed to The Divine Feminine Realm. If you cannot join or you miss a free group gathering. You can schedule a one on one session with me to journey. It’s only $25 for a 45 to 1 hour session.
Ladies if you want to SCHEDULE A One On One Diving Feminine Realm Journey session, you can do that at anytime with me. It’s $25 for a 45 minute session. Includes: sharing and questions, the journey, 5-3-5 breathing for integration and share to complete. It’s always available to dive deeper in your abilities in the realm with the one on one.
This is for the women that have already journeyed to The Divine Feminine Realm. If you cannot join or you miss a free group gathering. You can schedule a one on one session with me to journey. It’s only $25 for a 45 to 1 hour session.
Prepay through Cash App:
Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me
Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me
Goddess Blessings
If you have not journeyed to The Divine Feminine Realm. You can read more about the one on one IMMERSION Sessions and schedule with Rev. Goddess http://thesensuousmystic.com/the-divine-feminine-realm-one-on-one-immersion-online-sessions-women-only/