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Open Up Your Legs, Ass and Heart

Open up your legs, ass and heart and find the true power of yourself. Crack open every inch of your body and see for yourself the holy in you. Never be ashamed of your body shape, size, or color and how you choose to live in it. Your body is a holy temple and we access our personal power by aligning with our physical body and merging it with our spiritual life. In this way we have freedom, love and…

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2 In Uncategorized

Incest Sexual Addiction & Misuse of my Erotic Content

Incest Sexual Addiction & Misuse of my Erotic Content     At this time I feel it’s important for me to address email messages and comments from time to time throughout the years since I have shared my sacred erotic videos online.  I do not and have never given the message that I believe in or support sex or sexual contact with a mother, father, sister or brother. Please stop writing to me about your desires and sexual experiences with…

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