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The Masculine Plane Journey ~ A dimension of Yang & Yin ~ For All ~ GROUP SESSION
May 17, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
$125.00The Masculine Plane
Journey For All
A dimension of Yang & Yin
When Yin and Yang are split there are two sides – Heaven and Hell.
Together in Unity we are Oneness and able to create our Divine Birthright on earth in Harmony with All Life!
In this Harmonic Relationship you will:
Make a huge shift for the better in the way you think, create and live. You will gain more control and discernment of the way you create and this will help you manifest much quicker in your personal life. In your dominion of your personal world you can finally have a solid foundation in which you are the god/goddess of this land. In that way you bring complete balance of all life in each area of your life, physical and non-physical. In the Harmonic Relationship you will generate more intrinsic energy within your energetic physical, spiritual, light and soul body energy fields which can allow for greater transformation in your life and in the life of others as well.
The Universe is a vast system of energy with many levels, planes, dimensions and realms. Each with a different frequency for us to vibrate like and be able to journey there.
It’s a plane of consciousness that exists’s above our earthly realm. It is the Thought in Action / Spirit principle containing the Yin/Yang balance for manifestation on earth. This plane of consciousness only exists to help us create on earth. Not for any other realm or dimension.
“Evil comes into the world after the creation of human beings, who are, in most mythologies, at first pure and form an integral part of the primordial unity of natural life. Then, however, something happens, and human beings set themselves apart, rupture the cosmic and communal coherence, by developing conscious knowledge and acting no longer with but vis-à-vis the universe. At this time good and evil first appear, in the human mind and thus in the world.” ~ Livia Kohn
BODY: Physical Self, the five senses, conscious & unconscious brain activity and Earth element.
MIND: Consciousness, thought and spirit. Thought in action is spirit and continuous action is consciousness. Much more conscious brain activity and Air element.
SOUL: All Life, Oneness, Individual frequency, God Source, Light, Unity, Vibratory knowingness of body and mind that is part of the oneness of all life and all dimensions and of our individual uniqueness of creation. All becomes our Soul Self and exists beyond full brain activity. The brain helps to bring soul back to physical body and thrive with mind & spirit and our soul self holds all memories of all lifetimes and all knowledge. Water & Fire elements.
I discovered this dimension in my sleep one night. It is black and filled with nothingness. It is yang and yin, and it is where original creation for our earth ability came from. It is the dimension of Spirit/faith, it is where we access our dominion of earth and it supports our ability to build on the planet. It is in this space where Free Will lives. Religions or, religious consciousness are created and sustained from here. The spirit of separatists and judgements are created here. The basic primal physical energy and power evolves here as well. The idea of love was created here. All ways of thinking and living are created in this dimension. It’s the yin / yang energy that was split apart and caused a separation of consciousness within humans and within their physical bodies through thought, and then, this unbalance was brought into our earthly realm and has created chaos. The power of will is strong in humans and through our Free Will, we misused our creation ability and in our ongoing disconnect from “all life/universe” individuals thought and believed that only one way of living was the “right or correct way.”
In this way we have cut ourselves off from the other realms and dimensions and ultimately the universe and one another. This is where our EGO Manifestation grew and power struggles evolved, and control & domination expands in our earth realm.
“Yin and Yang, which stand for female and male, dark and light, winter and summer respectively. It is not evil but the primordial matrix of existence; though empty and dark, it is named “great and bright.” ~ Livia Kohn
“There is a being, in chaos yet complete;
It preceded even heaven and earth.
Silent it is, it never changes;
It moves around, yet never ends.
Consider it the mother of all-under-heaven.
I do not know its name.
To call it something, I speak of Tao.
Naming its strength, I call it great.” ~ Livia Kohn
This poem explains the masculine plane the way I have experienced it…….RGC
We must return to this plane of consciousness and remember our unity agreement of divine birthright of prosperity on earth, and become, yin and yang in harmony.
“The Tao brought forth the One.
The One brought forth the Two.
The Two brought forth the Three.
The Three brought forth the myriad beings.” ~ Livia Kohn
The Masculine Plane is activated within us through the breath of life!
Yin / Yang breathing then moving into the 5th eye and then the 3rd eye.
Why journey to The Masculine Plane?
To bring our yin/yang energies into harmony. These different frequencies have a purpose within our holy bodies and from the masculine plane is where the true foundation of grounded harmony to intuit, receive, process and create. Going to this masculine plane is where we can reawaken our body mind and soul relationship to earth from the original oneness of born blessed. We journey here to be able to bring this healing and harmony back into earth. It is our chance again to rise. Each time we journey to the masculine plane, we are able to energetically develop within our physical bodies and with our trinity of body, mind, soul, we can sustain on earth the life light of purity of knowledge with our free will of how to unify with the earthly realm again, and with all human beings and all plant life, elemental & animal life here.
There is a unity work that can be done in this dimension by all beings, men and women alike.
Our individual identities and our intimate relationships to the Masculine depend on the rise of the Divine Feminine in every sense.
Understanding and embracing both divine energies is crucial for both men and women. The Divine Masculine and Feminine, when combined, do not only complement each other but also work as an unstoppable force of nature. The Feminine is like the designer while the Masculine is the craftsman.
We embody the full expression of both sacred natures seamlessly. We become the Oneness. We become present to the One by first fully experiencing both.
Excerpt ~ By Noemie Akridge
In the past years, we have been witnessing the Rise of the Divine Feminine. Always questioned and sometimes misunderstood, this rise comes after a time of imbalance between the Divine Masculine qualities and the Divine Feminine. We can see the imbalance expressed out in the world and in our collective relationship to Nature, however, the conflict can also be found inside the minds and hearts of both men and women. For women to go back to a place of power, confidence and balance, a reparation process is necessary. Restoring this balance is not going to be the work of the Divine Feminine only, it will require elemental reconstruction from the Divine Masculine as well.
Understanding the necessary balance of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.
The Divine Feminine is connected to the Moon, the Sun, the Stars and the Earth. She is in unison with her inner self and hears all the prophecies of her body. She listens to her feelings and can place distance between her spirit and the interference of her thoughts. She is the co-creator of the universe and as such she is confident in her wisdom and love. She is in perfect symbiosis with her senses and lives everything in the purest way, in the moment. The Divine Feminine never fights against her own Nature and is our wisest side, the core of our intuition and knowledge.
The Divine Masculine, on the other hand, embodies the strongest sense of Truth. He will not be easily distracted from his quest and has the means to achieve anything he desires. The Divine Masculine qualities give courage to action and discernment to debate. The Divine Masculine, when integrated by women, can help us take creative initiatives, make major decisions and say no when it’s needed. He is a creative force who can appear insatiable and is an inextinguishable flame of energy. The fact is that as much as men are often encouraged to suppress the rise of the Divine Feminine in themselves the same is true for women with their Divine Masculine, yet neither of them can be complete and fulfilled lacking the other. Therefore, finding and restoring the balance of Feminine attributes and Masculine qualities is a spiritual tour de force.
Affirming your Divine Femininity and finding your power.
When you connect to the Divine Feminine within yourself, you shamelessly enter the depths of your subconscious and rejoin the universal source of energy. By allowing the Feminine to rise, we fully experience the pan-sophism of being a woman and allowing our power to thrive. By suppressing the Feminine or Masculine qualities and polarities or inverting them, we are recovering only half of ourselves. Stepping out of the shadows and embracing our natural power (masculine) and also our sense of nurturance (feminine) is a statement of empowerment. As intuitive women, we are growing out of polarized conditioning.
Our individual identities and our intimate relationships to the Masculine depend on the rise of the Divine Feminine in every sense.
By honoring the Divine Feminine’s wisdom and accepting the Divine Masculine for the truth he serves, we bring a healthy harmony and a spiritual symmetry in our energies allowing men to step back into a more sensitive and intuitive place and women to retrieve their power and spiritual force.
The magic of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine together
Understanding and embracing both divine energies is crucial for both men and women. The Divine Masculine and Feminine, when combined, do not only complement each other but also work as an unstoppable force of nature. The Feminine is like the designer while the Masculine is the craftsman. While in a relationship, a man and a woman who both fully embraced the twin energies will be able to build a rich, creative and fulfilling union.
When the Masculine decides to trust his intuition more and accepts his feelings as spiritual guidance, he will connect to the Feminine and the Universe in a unique, magical way.
As for the rise of the Divine Feminine, it re-affirms her natural power and Divine Wisdom, she becomes a fertile ground for all creation while remaining in connection with her consciousness which is the greatest gift of all. As Virginia Woolf once wrote: “I am rooted but I flow” which constitutes a perfect and poetic description of powerful dual energy, where opposition brings consistency.
End Excerpt.
Now it’s time to journey to the masculine plane and reawaken our yin yang abilities in perfect harmony and into our born blessed frequency to heal our earth being and all life on earth.
In this Harmonic Relationship you will:
Make a huge shift for the better in the way you think, create and live. You will gain more control and discernment of the way you create and this will help you manifest much quicker in your personal life. In your dominion of your personal world you can finally have a solid foundation in which you are the god/goddess of this land. In that way you bring complete balance of all life in each area of your life, physical and non-physical. In the Harmonic Relationship you will generate more intrinsic energy within your energetic physical, spiritual, light and soul body energy fields which can allow for greater transformation in your life and in the life of others as well.
1st Immersion Session, 1 hour. Tuesday, May 16th 2023 at 6pm EST. Group:
Group Session Rate: $125.00 for all three Immersions, paid in full.
2nd Immersion Session, 1 hour. Wednesday, May 17th 2023 at 6pm EST. Group
3rd Immersion Session, 1 hour 15 minutes. Thursday, May 18th 2023 at 6:00 to 7:15pm EST. Group
Group Session Rate: $125.00 for all three Immersions, paid in full.
Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me
Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me
Zoom link will be sent the day before first Immersion session.