Naked Drumming Circle ~ A Holy Body Celebration

The Holy Body Temple 370 Coldbrook RD, Bearsville, NY

Naked Drumming Circle ~ A Holy Body Celebration IN PERSON EVENT FREEDOM is the WORD Join Rev. Goddess and Goddess BE for an eventful afternoon of Naked Holy Body Renewal.   We can join together for a beautiful fun sensuous ritual for wholeness, healing and pleasure as we rebuild our community in these ongoing changing times. Come to celebrate out in nature with Goddess BE and Rev. Goddess with their special blend of passionate erotic play and create a space for your own personal healing and growth.  We are gonna shake rattle and roll as we bridge & strengthen our oneness with the elements and one another as we expand in our erotic natures, in this meaningful and grounded ceremony together.  Bring your drum, rattle and any other hand held percussion instruments, to help create the organic heartbeats of sounds that we’ll all rise too.  Saturday, July 10th, 2021  1:00 to 4:00pm EST $85 per person prepaid through PayPal or CashApp RSVP a MUST The Holy Body Temple 370 Coldbrook Rd Bearsville, NY 12409 Please bring your own blanket, towel, pillow, sarong and lounge chair if you like. Water and light snacks for yourself.  This is an Outdoor Event! We […]


Naked Drumming Circle ~ A Holy Body Celebration

The Holy Body Temple 370 Coldbrook RD, Bearsville, NY

Naked Drumming Circle ~ A Holy Body Celebration ~ CANCELLED IN PERSON EVENT FREEDOM is the WORD Join Rev. Goddess CANCELLED We will join together for a beautiful fun sensuous ritual for wholeness, healing and pleasure as we build our community in these ongoing changing times. Come to celebrate out in nature with Rev. Goddess and with her special blend of passionate erotic play,  create a space for your own personal healing and growth.  We are gonna shake rattle and roll as we bridge & strengthen our oneness with the elements and one another as we expand in our erotic natures, in this meaningful and grounded ceremony together.  Bring your drum, rattle and any other hand held percussion instruments, to help create the organic heartbeats of sounds that we’ll all rise too.  Saturday, July 30th, 2022 1:00 to 4:00pm EST $60 per person prepaid through PayPal or CashApp RSVP a MUST The Holy Body Temple 370 Coldbrook Rd Bearsville, NY 12409 Please bring your own blanket, towel, and sarong if you like. Water and Snacks will be offered.  This is an Outdoor Event! On Our Deck! Holla ;-) Cash App $RevGoddessCharmaine OR Pay The Sensuous Mystic LLC using PayPal.Me Pay […]
