Shadows And Light ~ A Virtual Festival

  $97 – $147 Until we identify, befriend, and heal the shadows, we are trapped with them. Join us and explore, reclaim, and heal lost parts of yourself! About this Event “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” ~ Carl Jung So much of the focus in healing is on where we want to go… The abundance and the light. But until we can acknowledge and release the unconscious and hidden fears that hold us back and haunt our subconscious, we will never be free. All the mantras, positive affirmations, and focusing on the positive outcomes in the world will not get us where we want to go if our subconscious is fighting us. The conscious mind can only focus part of the time. The subconscious and our survival brain are running 24/7, paying attention to all the fears, limiting beliefs and worries we’ve stored over a lifetime. Many of these were developed during childhood and have inherent fears of being powerless and incapable of dealing with the unknown. Others were forged and reinforced from the pain and trauma of our lived experiences. Don’t let these fears fester! That’s what happens […]
