Free Session for all women that have done the 3 Immersion Sessions to The Divine Feminine
If you are a man and you are interested in reading more about this and possibly journey, click the link below to read more and sign up for your 3 Immersion Sessions and then you will be part of this ongoing energetic development group.
The Divine Feminine Realm, Energetic development and support group Monthly Ongoing gathering of Divine Feminine Women ~ 1 hour FREE For those women that have gone through All 3 Immersion sessions You are a Goddess! Believe it. We are in the world, but not of this world. You ARE of the Divine Feminine Realm. “….women have this magical substance in their being that has to do with the real mystery of creation in which light takes on form and takes on human consciousness and yet remains true to its essential nature.” ~ Excerpt from, The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul. By Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee “The Spark of life through my Energetically whole womb brings forth the Divine Feminine Connection to All. As I Rise in this frequency, I walk in the Realm. The Divine Feminine Realm. And So It Is…..” ~ Reverend Goddess Charmaine This group gathering is your opportunity to connect with other divine feminine women in the realm and here on earth. To bring energetic support to all of our personal issues and creations for healing and manifestation. To continue to develop your energetic abilities, give & receive pleasure and transform. Dates for our gatherings will […]
The Journey How I create the Journey is through my own internal process going to the “Realm” and then I create and pre record a gentle hypnosis script that guides you all through your own internal process to the “Realm” with getting comfortable breathing, to counting you down from 10 to 1 and then intense guided imagery that I actually used to get to the “Realm” myself first. The 3 Immersion process is so that you have time to learn how to allow your Conscious Mind to relax and allow your Sub Conscious Mind to awaken. It’s in the Sub Conscious that has all the blue prints of all existence and lifetimes and all dimensions and realms. We need to reawaken into the true power of our abilities through our subconscious to rise into these Realms to do the energetic work that’s needed for us to live a better and more aligned life here on earth. The Conscious Mind is the Creative part, and we use it by guiding it into the power of imagination. With the two working together through the journey script I created you will be able to journey. Ongoing energetic group sessions will be available […]
Divine Feminine Realm Energetic Development Group ~ Women Only Available to All Women that have done the 3 Immersion Journey Sessions First. Goddess Blessings If you are interested in Journeying Into The Divine Feminine Realm, click link below to learn more.