Butt Magick ~ Introduction to Anal Tantra

  Butt Magick ~ Introduction to Anal Tantra Learn to embrace your ass and expand your power with Anal Tantra! The Secret tradition of magical Tantra teaches that the anus is an ultra sensitive ergogenic (sensitive to sexual stimulation) and psychic zone directly linked to the basal Chakra. It’s all in the control of the anal sphincters. With this knowledge and understanding you’ll appreciate more why squeezing your sphincters is so important. Guided by Rev. Goddess, you’ll go deep into this practice and lay down the necessary foundation to build your Anal Tantra Practice.  Men, Women & Couples have an amazing opportunity here to bring together the ultimate holy body love with butt magick wisdom with Rev. Goddess. She is gifted in the way she teaches and helps everyone feel the love, power and purpose of their holy bodies in a spiritual way. Our anal portals are a major source of energy for our physical bodies and our energetic abilities. These teachings can be a very cathartic experience for you as well as the shift you need to become healthier and spiritually evolved.  In this 2 hour clothing optional session, you will discuss the pros and cons of anal tantra. […]


Divine Feminine Realm ~ The Journey For Men Energetic & Development Group


  If you are a man and you are interested in reading more about this and possibly journey, click the link below to read more and sign up for your 3 Immersion Sessions and then you will be part of this ongoing energetic development group. http://thesensuousmystic.com/the-divine-feminine-realm-the-journey-for-men/


Divine Feminine Realm Energetic Development Group ~ Women Only


  The Divine Feminine Realm group is a (FREE) ongoing energetic development group offered to all the women that have done all 3 Immersion sessions with Rev. Goddess Charmaine.   If you are interested in or feel finally ready to learn how to journey to The Divine Feminine Realm, you can click the link to read more and sign up for your Immersion Sessions. http://thesensuousmystic.com/the-divine-feminine-realm-one-on-one-immersion-online-sessions-women-only/   Also available to any woman that has already done the 3 Immersion sessions and you cannot join the Free group as often as you would like. You can schedule a private session with Rev. Goddess for only $25. That $25 rate is for women that have already done the 3 immersion sessions and want to do the journey for ongoing development at a time that is convenient for them.   Goddess Blessings ~ RGC
