KAMA SUTRA Consciousness
Dive into a deeper message and understanding of the Kama Sutra with Rev. Goddess and Decide for yourself how Kama Sutra Consciousness can bring balance healing power and Sexual Mastery and Bliss into your LIFE! Utilizing Kama (Pleasure) and Sutra (Scriptures) you can learn and merge your sexual and spiritual spirits into a Sacred Marriage. Have fun with the Kama Sutra Cards "Ancient Chinese Sexual Positions" from the Sexual Shaman website (www.sexualshaman.com) by Kenneth Ray Stubbs. This deck shows and gives you the position for the healing and expansion needed to rise in your Tantic Lifestyle. Rev. Goddess will pull kama sutra cards and give messages on how the particular card and its message is needed right now. And if there is time, she will pull a personal card for those of you that call in! Join the show and be erotically blessed! Goddess Blessings http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-sensuous-mystic/2016/12/08/kama-sutra-consciousness