Uniting Sex & Spirit ~ Vibrating Higher and Manifesting in this New Year 2017
Merging your Sex Center with your Heart Center. Merging your Upper and Lower Body. BE the BEST/HIGHER Version of yourself this 2017! Learn how your sexual life force energy can help you rise, heal and expand so that you can remove negative karma. So that you can break bad habits and any bondage or curses. Who you have sex with has a purpose way higher than you realize. How you fuck brings more intensity and frequency than you realize. Join the show and allow Rev. Goddess to guide you in the ultimate union! Then practice, believe and manifest. It's UP to You! Goddess Blessings http://www.blogtalkradio.com/the-sensuous-mystic/2017/01/05/uniting-sex-spirit-vibrating-higher-and-manifesting-in-this-new-year-2017